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Monday, May 23, 2011

MILK YUCK!!!! www.notmilk.com

ohhh goodness, here we go again about milk, yet another reason NOT to drink milk is the PUSS that is ALLOWED in the MILK everyone drinks. YA ALLAH!!!
I can't believe this!!!!
Now anyone who is a mother will understand that if you are feeding your baby breast milk and baby doesn't get full, you need to "take a break" and put the baby down because it LITERALLY hurts to keep feeding the child. Naturally, you need to stop feeding baby, take a break so that more milk will be produced inshallah.

When I see the cows being connected to machines, being sucked constantly and lights on at the factories so they think it's day light, what do you think gets sucked out of them????? PUSS and BLOOD!!!! duhhh

WHATEVER, people just don't want to hear it but it's true, why do we support milk man? I don't' get it!!!!
yes it is in our scriptures to go get milk if we need from cows that are treated justly and naturally on the fields NOT what we have today were we feed them garbage and connect them to machines and turn on lights constantly that is not natural!!!!!

Go to the farm, go milk a cow and drink that, and be content but don't tell me that buying milk from the market is good for you, got milk? NO I DON'T!!!! and I do not need it!
here is all the research and numbers of how much PUSS IS ALLOWED IN MILK PRODUCTS:

I'm posting a 2minute video (no graphics safe to watch) of a farmer who talks about how farmers don't eat the animals in their farm!

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