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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ok, so I managed to organize myself to be able to achieve all my goals for this month....and I don't think it will be that difficult, I just probably will need some support although I'm pretty much a leader by nature alhamdulilah!

No shopping
When I told my husband I'm not going to shop for 1month I think he thought I was crazy and I think I heard a noise (I was over the phone) and perhaps he fell off his chair lol.
But it's not impossible!
I think we are living in a very immature way and everything is "needs" and "wants" and "musts" and it shouldn't be that way!
I went to Costco yesterday and bought some awesome stuff to be able to survive for 1month and I got some really cool items, I surprised myself!
Then, I went to the 99C store and got some glass jars, organizational tools to get me started.

So we started vegan organic raw foods last night and I had gone to the farm to pick up some fresh veggies and I hope these last a while...and if they are gone by week 1, I will be harvesting whatever I can from backyard and will even ask my neighbors to share their veggies as they are both gardeners!

so I have been recycling a lot and then I thought well maybe I can bring all trash back into the earth (as it is fruits and veggies anyway, no cooked or animal products). So I asked the farmers what tips they have for composting. I was so shocked, all you need to do is dig a 1" by 1" hole in the backyard and put all your stuff there and cover it, start a new one! This is amazing! I thought I had to toss and turn it and water it, all the things I read somewhere but no!
So Zero waste for me is not that bad at all.
Diapers were an issue but I'll do cloth from now on, which is something I prefer for kids and have done it with my eldest son anyway...
The other issue is milk...It's not in a recycled container..it's on a plastic one. I thought of transitioning Bilal (my young son) into drinking fresh fruit juice, coconut water and almond milk....so I will try doing that, that way I make my own juices and milks and that might save us money, and the pressure of having to use bottled milk..

Planting 1 thing a day
So this shouldn't be difficult as I plant daily anyway or work in the garden. Now I can plant flowers or more veggies and I just need to organize it better to keep track of where I'm planting lol.

I want to de-clutter one place of my house DAILY and record what I do.
It's really important to live a clutter-free life!!! You can think better! It's amazing the power of organization.

Make money
This aspect will be a bit more secretive as I don't see myself sharing how I make money but I can give "general" guidelines....I'm excited about this one, specially since my husband doesn't want me working..I just want to be able to bring in some money from the sale of items or for my dedicated work...we will see

And there you have it, a taste of what this month challenge will be like, I'm very excited and I hope I can cope!
more coming...


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