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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 19-Michael Jackson!

I'm behind on posts but today I'm taking sort of a day off, to spend with family, to really give them more time.
I'm really gonna make some more changes to really have that quality time.
Family comes first, and if that means reducing some activities, that's what it means! No other way around it!

1. I planted the compost this morning
2. had raw foods for breakfast (had some meat) but now I"ll try to keep it as much raw as possible.
3. De cluttered yesterday different parts of my house! it felt wonderful, including my multi-purpose kitchen drawer!!!!
4. No spending (no spending at all except necessities or things for the house.)

I been listening to Michael Jackson a lot lately, his older songs in particular. The lyrics are so amazing.
He really loved people, he loved to share that love. If you pay attention, there's really love that he was after and wanted to share that with the world.

So this link goes out to our dear brother Mikael Jackson. may he rest in peace and may all his good deeds and love illuminate his grave, now until the day of judgement.

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