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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Clear Mind Kids club

Clear Mind Kids club will meet Saturday, March 1st at Amy's Farm!
If you are interested, here are the details:

we will be meeting at Amy's Farm at 10am on Saturday, March 1st, kids and parents can walk around the farm or take a farm tour (sign up at the farm).
We will read a book together and then sketch a nature design.
(bring your sketch book, pencil and color pencils)
We will take turns show and telling other group members about our art work!

details and to sign up:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Feb 30day Challenge!!!

Starting today, a new challenge begins.  Yes, it is not Feb 1st-however, it does take  time for me to come up with these challenges...and I have ALREADY started!

So, for 30days, I will do what is recommended to be "balanced" according to some research (which I forget the source)...ANYHOW, I WILL make a change to form a new HEALTHY habit.
Daily morning stretches (yoga) for about 10-15mins and a daily 15-20mins walk. 
To me, that is an EXCELLENT challenge!

I am already doing this randomly but I really need to focus and establish them as daily HABITS!!!! which is hard at first of course, but once we do something enough times....it becomes easy.  Right?

what is Your challenge?

Or if you don't have one...you could definitely get inspired by mine!
Let's get to work!
(that means, set alarm clock on iPhone!)

Now how is this eco-friendly again...? well...in order to be "eco-friendly" we must start at the core, at the root.  The root is the SELF.  One must first start shaping the self....once the self is good, we can focus on other aspects of life.  Right?

That makes sense to me. 
Form a good habit, internalize it, motivate people, make positive changes in YOU and THEN in your surroundings.

Nothing worse than having someone lecture you on healthy stuff while that person is themselves unhappy and unhealthy..... can get confusing.
Start small, then build up! very exciting:)