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Thursday, May 19, 2011

I bought something today...eeeek....

I cheated today..I bought something but it was a gift not for myself....I guess I should disclose that "no shopping" means no shopping at all for me, and if I do shop it's with money I made somehow, not from my savings. AND if I do need something I will ask my husband or someone to buy it. Ahhh, that feels better , I didn't want anyone thinking I'm reallllllllly cheating, I'm trying to keep it real.

Today was first day of homeschooling. It was fun! No one came for the co-op but that's ok we still had homeschooling because that's what I want for my kids. So we talked about surah Kalf and the story of the two gardens, then we talked about trash and how we shouldn't leave trash on our yards or anywhere AND then, I brought out some plastic items I had washed and showed hisham how to use them in his classroom. We found use for a lid, a carton box, strawberry case and a small bottle. He will incorporate them into his kitchen play area lol

Then, we went outside for a garden tour, we looked at some veggies and picked some herbs that are growing nicely, alhamdulilah.

I just had salad cause I didn't have a nice lunch, it was mostly snacks. Salad was delicious as I add a number of superfoods, it was yummy and filling.

I was listening to a cd on Acai berries. They are known as "the beauty berry" because they help with hair and skin and give you positive energy. It does wonders for the small intestine and villi. I love that cd. All cd's like that I need to memorize!!!

Now I will clean up a bit, pray and start reading Quran, let's see how far I get and what insights I gain God willing. I think more than reading 1 part a day I should simply read for reflection. To be honest, I have been so busy, I haven't had time to sit and read Quran and I don't like that. I need to do it daily that's why I thought of it as a challenge but it really isn't, it's just an excuse to make this a daily habit! In other words, it is not really a challenge as it is easy and so rewarding to do!

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